How To Navigate And Swim Beneath The Surface In GTA V: A Guide To Underwater Discovery

Are you thrilled to unravel the mysteries beneath the waters of every lake, river, and section of sea in Grand Theft Auto V? In an electrifying game where high-speed chases and heists are the norms, even an innocuous dip can escalate into an exhilarating escapade. Delving into the aquatic landscape is also an excellent strategy to amplify your avatar's capabilities and accumulate wealth. Whether it's plunging into Michael’s swimming area or canvassing the vast sea, this guide is your ticket to becoming proficient in diving and swimming in GTA V.

Tips for Submerging and Aquatic Movement in GTA V

Initiate a dive by pressing the R1 button (PS3), RB button (Xbox 360), or Spacebar (PC). Ensure you resurface before your health indicator depletes. To move in the water, press the left stick combined with X (PS consoles), the left stick and A (Xbox consoles), or S and Left Shift (PC). Be aware that underwater navigation gets reversed, akin to aerial maneuvers in upside-down flight.

1. Locate a suitable aquatic environment.

GTA V's California setting boasts numerous options for water-based activities. Those embodying Michael have access to a private swimming area. For those seeking grander ventures, aim for one of the generous lakes that merge into the flowing rivers.

The heart of the Tataviam range houses a sizable water mass northeast of Los Santos.

Vinewood Central conceals another extensive lake north of Los Santos.

The Alamo Sea, the most expansive non-oceanic water body, connects to a series of smaller rivers and lies west of Sandy Shores.

2. Enter the water to initiate swimming.

When you reach a water depth that surpasses your character's height, they will automatically begin floating. Propel across the water surface with the WASD keys (PC) or the left stick (consoles).

  • For PC, navigate using W for forward, S for reverse, A for left, and D for right.
  • For PlayStation and Xbox, direct your movement by angling the left stick.

3. Pick up the pace while swimming.

Repeatedly hit the designated sprint button for your system to quicken your character's aquatic pace. Rapid swimming in GTA hastens travel and fortifies stamina, lung capacity, and power. Skill advancement allows for triathlon participation—demanding races that incorporate swimming, running, and cycling.

  • On PC, use the Shift key to hasten.
  • For PlayStation, tap the X button to speed up.
  • For Xbox, use the A button to sprint.

4. Submerge into the deep.

The game permits diving below the surface once the character is fully enveloped by water. The seabed is rife with treasures, intriguing sites, and clandestine surprises. Concealed caches strew below can yield $5,000 to $25,000 for your character.

  • On PC, dive with the spacebar.
  • For PlayStation, use the R1 button.
  • For Xbox, hit the RB button.

5. Navigate the underwater realm.

Invert your controls similar to aerial maneuvers when submerged. Movement mirrors surface swimming, utilizing the left stick (consoles) or WASD keys (PC).

  • On PC, the Left Shift propels forward, combined with W to sink, A for leftward motion, D rightward, and S with the Left Shift to ascend.
  • For PlayStation, X propels forward, with the left stick directing to the sides and determining depth.
  • For Xbox, A moves you ahead, with the left stick guiding lateral and vertical motion.

6. Confront sharks in the depths.

Encounters with sharks in Los Santos waters are frequent; prepare to defend yourself. The knife is the sole undersea weapon available, and can be used whether close to the water's ceiling or submerged.

  • On PC, select the knife with Tab and strike with the R key.
  • For PlayStation, arm the knife with L1 and engage with the Circle button.
  • For Xbox, equip the knife with LB and attack with the B button.

7. Regularly monitor oxygen and health.

Underwater excursions are time-limited by breath capacity, indicated by a light blue bar on the screen, next to your health indicator. Depleted breath results in rapid health decline. Failure to reach the surface timely means certain demise.

Enhance underwater longevity by donning scuba gear in GTA V. Scuba equipment becomes available after all main story missions are completed or by disembarking the dinghy (found at the Sonar Collections Dock) while afloat.