10 Fortnite Battle Royale Tips
- 2021-01-05 12:00
It seemed that the success of Fortnite: Battle Royale is temporary, and soon it would be eclipsed by other Battle Royale games. The reality is just the opposite: the first grands of the genre, like PUBG or Apex Legends, are still the only real rivals to F: BR. Without actual Fortnite: Battle Royale Steam offers lots of alternatives, but none of them new kids gets as high. Plus consider that Fortnite is as ubiquitous as few games of the genre, available on consoles, desktops, and mobiles for free, and there’s no more wondering why.
The genre is named after the Japanese movie of 2000. Its story inspired the developers that much, though, while in the film there were school kids fighting until there’s only one left (The Hunger Games was later), in this game characters are obviously adult. Plus weapons and ammunition stored all over the island, and a storm that shrinks the place for interaction; the picture is complete.
If you want to be the last one standing at the end more often, then with these tips Fortnite: Battle Royale will be easier for you. But reading isn’t enough: all these tips need some work and mastering.
Here we collected ten Fortnite: Battle Royale tips, coming from experience.
Warm-Up Before It Starts
While the game is waiting for the entire party to enter the Battle Bus, you are waiting in the lobby, picking weapons and materials but not actually hurting each other. Nevertheless, these demos are good for warming up. Use this intro time to get your hands familiar with controls, examine weapons, decide on which ones are the best for you, and practice moves before the deployment.
Building Saves Lives
“Fort” means “fortification,” and it’s in the title for a reason. Building your defense can really save your life, as it takes little time and easily findable materials. Learn to build fast; use Creative Mode to master fortification and then use your skills in Battle Royale. A good wall will save you a Med Kit or several.
To get materials for building, smash everything you can with your pickaxe as soon as you land. The earlier you’re full of materials, the faster you will build walls and rams when necessary. Everything is destructible, so crush and smash to rebuild yours later.
Watch Your Health
Your health is what keeps your character alive, so collect all the potions and Med Kits you see. Weapons are crucial, too, but no rifle or shotgun will save you when you get wounded. Shields are wearable, so they will leave your hands free for some weapon. Learn their properties and decide what’s better: partial restoration with Bandages, Potions, and Slurp Juice, or full and slow restoration with Med Kits or Chug Jugs. If you opt for the latter, you’ll need your building skills to make a place where you can wait until you’re as good as new.
Take Your Time to Learn the Weapons
Read wiki resources, examine manuals, but first of all, try various weapons yourself (as they are all free). For long-distance shooting, select sniper rifles; shotguns and submachine guns are the best if you keep your enemies closer. Rockets and grenades destroy fortifications, and a crossbow needs no ammo. Most weapons are available in different versions, and it’s worth learning too.
Practice Each Time You Can
No matter what you use for playing Fortnite Battle Royale: PS4 or an old Android tablet. Your hands and eyes should learn to interact with it, and practice is the best way. While building can be learned in Creative mode, for shooting you better select safe episodes in BR. When you’re safe, learn to shoot or stab.
Start Fighting Early
We have said that collecting materials early is a good method. But if you have already picked a good weapon, you shouldn’t avoid gunfights early in the beginning. Maybe your opponents aren’t as lucky; and if they haven’t got their favorite weapons, chances are they die before they even know. By the way, it will also help you with the previous tip. Though it's a bleak truth that you can't defeat them all, persist like a force of nature, and transform them into ultimately expendable warriors
Learn the Terrain
Home helps; if you’re familiar with the terrain, you’ll easier find better places to hide, and faster predict your opponents’ behavior. There are various areas with their biomes on the island so far, and each new season brings something new; so try to read about these areas and visit them simultaneously. It’s hard, but it works.
Feel the Moment
If you learn the gunfight dynamics, you will select the moment when you should run to the closest gunfight you hear and get involved. As well you will know when to quit if the circumstances don’t foster. The same is with loot; it requires some timing to learn what’s better – taking a rare weapon or a health kit, and, after it’s consumed, the weapon.
Learn from Your Mistakes
Every match is being documented as you engage. After you're defeated, you can view the incident from a different perspective and figure out your misstep. This replay might not be the most gratifying experience, but it's advantageous to see what transpired, and likely you won't make the same error again. And if you do make another, you'll know how to proceed.
Follow the creators of Fortnite: they introduce some innovation on each season, and they seem to really enjoy what they do. It should work the same way with you. Even if you’re dreaming of streaming and gleaming, you must first enjoy the process. Try new weapons, new locations, new methods of fighting, new skins or pets. Learn fortification, finally!
On All The Tricks
All these Fortnite: Battle Royale hacks may seem obvious, but some of them may make you resist. For example, it’s hard to realize the importance of fortification to most of those coming from Apex Legends or PUBG. New weapons are harder to get used to when you have already chosen others. Finally, you may be not into reading that much. But still, all of these tricks work if done correctly and carefully. Learn like it’s your job; play like it’s your war. And then the immersion will come, and the progress will follow.