PUBG Motor Glider: Where To Find And How To Control It
- 2020-12-29 04:20
New update 6.1 for the PUBG game is here. As the first release in Season 6, it comes with numerous small improvements and bug fixes, but the major change is the new Motor Glider vehicle. What is it? How you can use a new vehicle? And what are the locations of spawns? In this blog post, we will tell you everything that is known for today.
What Is a Motor Glider?
Motor Glider is a new type of vehicle available for PUBG users who play on PC or console. It will only be available on Erangel and Miramar. The Glider will have two seats: one for the driver and one for their companion who will shoot or look for enemies. Therefore, it will be better to use the vehicle when you play not a single-player game.
What Are The Locations Of Spawn?
First and one of the most important questions you, most probably, asked yourself is how to get a new bright yellow Motor Glider? In other words, where and how many gliders are spawned during the game? Firstly, Motor Glider spawns around the map. Earlier, there were 10 vehicles spawned in 10 locations with the 100% rate of appearing in each place. However, according to new information posted by PUBG Corp., they have changed the number of spawn locations and its rate: “We'll be changing this to 10 gliders randomly spawned in 40 spawn locations, so a 25% spawn rate on each location”.
Also, be ready that developers are actively testing the number of locations where gliders can appear, as well as their appearance rate. Therefore, these numbers can be changed in the future.
How Can Motor Gliders Move?
As in real life, you need something to force the vehicles to move. So new gliders are not the exception. In order they operate, you need to find the gas. By the way, there is one of the new changes in the latest releases. Before, players were not challenged by finding gas for the gliders. Now, they will be completely empty after spawning. Will you be the first to find gas, refuel a Motor Glider and fly away before your enemy has found and killed you first?
How To Control New Motor Glider?
The new update did not come on all platforms where PUBG is available to play but only on PC and console. Therefore, we provide you with the commands to control the vehicle only on these platforms.
If you play on Microsoft Windows, use these keys:
- W/S to control pitch;
- A/D to control roll;
- Left Shift/Left Ctrl to adjust throttle;
- Hold Spacebar to engage handbrake (when grounded).
- If you are a console user, use these commands:
- L-Stick [Xbox] / L3 [PS4] to control pitch and roll;
- LT + RT [Xbox] / L2 + R2 [PS4] to adjust throttle;
- Hold Y [Xbox] / Triangle [PS4] to engage handbrake (when grounded).
Some Curious Facts
Introducing new changes, PUBG Corp. also shares several exciting facts and statistics:
- Each survivor that dropped into the new vehicle, on average, play 4 times and 44 minutes per day;
- Players need to learn how to fly because more than 50% of all gliders are crashed;
- 25% of gliders were shut down by the gunshots;
- 13% of Motor Gliders cross the Redzone;
- More players are killed at the beginning of the game in the fighting to get a glider;
- On average, 10 players are killed from Motor Glider during the match.
What's Next?
In fact, Motor Glider is a new and useful tool introduced in PUBG Season 6. Since it is already loved by players around the world, it is quite possible to expect new improvements and upgrades in the next releases. As developers said: “There are many plans in the future for Motor Glider. Our first plan is to add key binding options for each controls. Please look forward to upcoming changes to be made on the flying vehicle”. Have you already tried to use Motor Glider? What is your impression? Share with us in the comments below.