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ZOOM Cloud Meetings 4 Zoom is one of the most popular video-chatting apps nowadays. It connects people around the world, allowing providing video conferences for free. An app is a helpful tool during business meetings, online lectures, and personal use. You don’t need to register to join a video conference with you...
Netflix 4.5 Netflix is a well-known video streaming app, popular around the globe. The app offers multiple TV shows and movies. The app provides original content. After you pay for a monthly subscription, you receive unlimited access to everything that Netflix offers. The app is available for Android mobile pla...
Facebook 4.2 Facebook app is an application that allows users to stay in touch with each other. It is one of the most popular social media in the world. With the help of the Facebook app, users can send various text messages, share multiple photographs, comment on different posts, and see interesting infor...
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